TCG: Man Made of Birds

My new (2014) Native American Reading List database
For my most ambitious online "Native" endeavor, check out my Great Indian Moments in Pop Culture set of web pages (to be eventually revised and transferred here?)
My quite extensive Native American Literature: Authors & Links page (to be eventually revised and transferred here)
My White Buffalo Calf Woman page (originally created for a presentation to a UNL "Native Daughters" journalism course)
"Teaching Guide for "'Of Avians and Indigenes': Preliminary Notes on the Orientalization of the New World Native and Natured Others," in Literature Compass

  Header of a recent online syllabus:


   My "BRIEF" OUTLINE of U.S./NATIVE AMERICAN History/Relations (incl. "Dates that Live in Infamy")

OR download PDF

  [My Google Map:] "The Lakota West" (some locations idiosyncratic/personal, however)

View The Lakota West in a larger map

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