*__SCALES__* --A Brief Compendium...(tcg) *========* --numeric formulas given first; then example of scale with "c" tone as root ("1") MODAL Scales: [all based on diatonic major scale (Ionian); i.e., each mode merely starts on different step of the first (do-re-mi) scale given**] IONIAN (major--standard "do-re-mi"): 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 (=1) c - d - e - f - g - a - b - c DORIAN (minor--"jazzy" minor; great over m7-m6 progressions): 1 - 2 -b3 - 4 - 5 - 6 -b7 - 1 [**Ionian "2" becomes "1"] c - d -eb - f - g - a -bb - c PHRYGIAN (minor--"Spanish"-sounding, because of flatted 2nd): 1 -b2 -b3 - 4 - 5 -b6 -b7 - 1 [Ionian "3"->"1"] c -db -eb - f - g -ab -bb - c LYDIAN (major, with augmented fourth): 1 - 2 - 3 -#4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 1 [Ionian "4"->"1"] c - d - e -f# - g - a - b - c MYXLYDIAN (dominant-seventh sound): 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 -b7 - 1 [Ionian "5"->"1"] c - d - e - f - g - a -bb - c AEOLIAN (natural minor scale): 1 - 2 -b3 - 4 - 5 -b6 -b7 - 1 [Ionian "6"->"1"] c - d -eb - f - g -ab -bb - c LOCRIAN (half-diminished scale): 1 -b2 -b3 - 4 -b5 -b6 -b7 - 1 [Ionian "7"->"1"] c -db -eb - f -gb -ab -bb - c Other common MINOR Scales: Harmonic minor ("neat" major seventh->minor (flatted) sixth interval is characteristic--"halloween/horror" sound): 1 - 2 -b3 - 4 - 5 -b6 - 7 - 1 c - d -eb - f - g -ab - b - c Melodic minor: ["invented" to avoid b6<->7 "leap" of harm. minor scale] ascending ("up" the fingerboard)-- 1 - 2 -b3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 1 c - d -eb - f - g - a - b - c descending ("down" the fingerboard)--[=Aeolian minor] 1 -b7 -b6 - 5 - 4 -b3 - 2 - 1 c -bb -ab - g - f -eb - d - c ["jazz minor" scale = "ascending" version used in both directions] Hungarian minor (Gypsy minor--okay, NOT so common, but "neat" augmented 4th): 1 - 2 -b3 -#4 - 5 -b6 - 7 - 1 c - d -eb -f# - g -ab - b - c PENTATONIC Scales: Pentatonic Major (ubiquitous major-key pop/rock/country scale): 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 1 c - d - e - g - a - c [[Pentatonic Major ("Scottish" ~ --much rarer; actually a "modal" version of 1-2-3-5-6-1 ("5" becomes "1")] 1 - 2 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 1 c - d - f - g - a - c Pentatonic minor (ubiquitous minor-key rock scale; often incorrectly called the "blues" scale; note that this, too, is a "modal" version of Pentatonic Major (6->1), and thus the C pent. major scale = A pent. minor scale): 1 -b3 - 4 - 5 -b7 - 1 c -eb - f - g -bb - c Japanese Pentatonic: 1 - 2 -b3 - 5 -b6 - 1 c - d -eb - g -ab - c --OR ["modal" version of 1st (5->1)]: 1 -b2 - 4 - 5 -b6 - 1 c -db - f - g -ab - c Balinese: 1 -b2 -b3 - 5 -b6 - 1 c -db -eb - g -ab - c BLUES Scale: * ** * 1 - 2 - b3^ - 4 -(b5)- 5 - 6 - b7^ - 1 c - d - eb^ - f - gb - g - a - bb^ - c (Sources disagree widely on the exact tones of this scale; according to the source I've chosen to follow here, * :the third & seventh degrees are somewhere "between" the minor & major third and minor & major seventh--best achieved on the guitar by bending the minor 3rd & minor 7th up slightly (bent up approx. a quarter tone, accord. to source)... **:the flatted fifth (or augmented fourth) is given as optional... WHOLE-TONE Scale (Augmented ~: every two frets; "neat" effect played over + and 7+ type chords, and dominant 9th chords without a 5th): 1 - 2 - 3 - #4 - #5 - b7 - 1 c - d - e - f# - g# - bb - c DIMINISHED-type Scales: WHOLE-TONE-HALF-TONE Scale (Diminished ~): 1 - 2 -b3 - 4 -b5 -#5 - 6 - 7 - 1 c - d -eb - f -gb -g# - a - b - c --OR (dominant-diminished scale ["modal" version of first (2->1)]-- "jazz" scale over dominant-seventh chord): 1 -b2 -b3 - 3 -b5 - 5 - 6 -b7 - 1 c -db -eb - e -gb - g - a -bb - c "MYSTIC" Scale (diminished-whole-tone ~): 1 -b2 -b3 - 3 -b5 -#5 -b7 - 1 c -db -eb - e -gb -g# -bb - 1 --OR ["modal" version of 1st (b5->1)]: 1 - 2 - 3 -b5 - 5 - 6 -b7 - 1 c - d - e -gb - g - a -bb - c SPANISH Scale (kind of a "major phrygian"--common in flamenco, so try it in E!): 1 -b2 - 3 - 4 - 5 -b6 -b7 - 1 c -db - e - f - g -ab -bb - c Other "ORIENTAL" Scales (Persian, Jewish, Hindu, etc.): ... interesting how common the minor (flatted) second is in non-Western scales!--shades of Metallica... [C scale examples omitted . . .] 1 -b2 - 3 - 4 - 5 -b6 - 7 - 1 1 -b2 - 3 - 4 - 5 -b6 - 1 1 -b2 - 3 -#4 - 5 -b6 - 7 - 1 1 -b2 - 3 - 4 -b5 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 1 1 -b2 - 3 - 4 -b5 -b6 - 6 - 7 - 1 1 -b2 -b3 - 4 -b5 -b6 - 6 - 7 - 1 1 -b2 - 3 - 4 -b5 -b6 -b7 - 1 1 -b2 - 4 -b5 -b6 -b7 - 1 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 -b5 -b6 -b7 - 1 CHROMATIC Scale [12-tone ~; half-tone ~--every fret]: 1 -b2 - 2 -b3 - 3 - 4 -b5 - 5 -b6 - 6 -b7 - 7 - 1 QUARTER-TONE Scale: 1 -"1 1/4"- b2 - "b2 1/4" - 2 -, etc. [note: "1 1/2" would = b2] [good luck here--either need John McLaughlin's quarter-tone guitar or need to bend a lot!] ================